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Jump Training chart

The jump training chart notations are measured in inches with the exception of the weight classification that is measured in lbs.


Though the ostensible goal of the jump training is the ability to jump high enough to dunk the ball, it is expected that the participants will not be able to reach this goal within the projected 11 week duration of the course. The inspiration for the project tracked progress of an individual jumper over a 26 week period. That may or may not be representative for a larger sample group but in the absence of additional information, it is used as the guideline for the project.


There are a number of sub-goals on the way to be able to jump high enough to dunk the ball. The first major accomplishment is to be able to jump high enough to be able to touch the bottom of the backboard (TOUCH BB), which on a standard rim, is 9’6” (114”) above the court level.  The second level of accomplishment would be the ability to touch the rim (RIM TOUCH) which is 10’ (120”) above the court surface. Attainment of either of these goals can convey upon the achiever, a certain degree of status with attendant “bragging rights.”


Some courts have 9’ (108”) rims and if available and suitable, these can be used to provide training steps and parallel intermediary goals for those participants for whom size and initial ability make goal attainment the longest journey.


It is expected that out of the initial participant there will be a proportion that do not complete the course.  Though there are no available guidelines for estimating the proportion of the population that will not complete, for purposes of the projected data,  a drop rate of 21% (8/38) was assumed. The term “Dropped” represents this group.


There will be some participants whose attendance is intermittent but since the main purpose of the project is to increase quantitative skills, those who do not keep up with the mathematical studies will not be allowed to continue with the dunk training.


One of the unique aspects of Math-Dunk will be to have the enrollees work with the data that they generate through the project. Below is a sample version of the data set projected to be generated by the entire project. The intention is to have the students work with the data week by week as they generate it.  

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